Here in Jordan, our Sabbath day is actually on Friday, which is a bit of an adjustment. This week we met with several strategic partners including AHS (discussed bel0w) and Salma Halaseh from the Marriott. We also  celebrated our 48th anniversary, and hosted some visitors at the center where we live. We attended Father Dabbour’s Greek Orthodox Christmas party where we were the guests of honor. There were over 500 children in attendance. Its nice to be able to observe the Christmas Holiday even in a place where Christians are in the minority.

2015-12-19 Who has the right-away?

Who has the right of way?

2015-12-19 Window shopping for a roast?

Window shopping for a roast

2015-12-19 Hospitality at Marriott

Hot chocolate at the Marriott

2015-12-19 Marriott Hotel 6

Meeting with Salma Halaseh, strategic partner at Marriott

2015-12-14 Tulley Family 2

Our friends, the Tolleys, serving in North Jordan, had 3 of their children visit for Christmas and we were excited to host them.

2015-12-14 Whoopee Cheerios

SO excited to find some Cheerios!

2015-12-15 48th 3jpg

Anniversary Dinner at Levant (Lebanese Food. Yummy!)

2015-12-15 48th Anniversary Levant2015-12-15 48th

Al Hussein Society (AHS)

  • Non-governmental organization (NGO)
  • The leading organization in Jordan that provides rehabilitation and educational services to persons with physical challenges
  • Offering  internationally accredited comprehensive rehabilitation/habilitation programs and training
  • Committed to promoting and safe-guarding the rights and laws of persons with disabilities
  • LDS Charities has been a strategic partner with AHS on wheelchair placement and decorating new guest rooms for visiting helpers. There has been discussion of outfitting a mobile rehab unit in the future
  • There is a high demand for prosthetics and they are produced at a lab at the AHS center in Amman and at the Mokito clinic. The actual cost of these supportive and/or corrective devices is $600-700 JD

2015-12-16 Al Hussien2015-12-16 HS Prosthetic lab 12015-12-16 HS Prosthetic lab 82015-12-16 HS Prosthetic lab 9

2015-12-18 Father Dabbour

Father Dabbour, Greek Orthodox Christmas Party

2015-12-18 Greek Orthodox Christmas Party 22015-12-18 Shopping at COSTCO2015-12-18 Sister Phillips, Katrina Dabbour2015-12-19 A days walk to work2015-12-19 Fresh fruit on the go